How will Intangible Asset Insurance shape your growth?

Our mission is to create the most seamless and intuitive experience for quantifying, purchasing and administering intangible asset insurance for your company.

We launched Amplisure in late 2021 after identifying a real lack of awareness of intangible assets within the general broker and insurance market. We work for those who create intellectual property and associated intellectual capital from start-ups to multinationals, social conscience projects to commercial ventures.

Amplisure’s unique insight into intangible assets, together with an established history in insurance brokering, has allowed us to develop exclusive IP insurance policies with Lloyds of London underwriters. We don’t do “one-size-fits-all” policies. We work hand in hand with our clients and our underwriters to create and provide insurance products that haven’t previously existed. After all, intangible assets provide a unique value proposition for each client, so why should insurance policies group them all into a generic package?

If you want more information about how Amplisure can help you reach your commercial goals and would like more information about IP insurance, please reach out to our team.

Why Us





Managing intangible asset risk has never been more important.